

ISTE is the premier professional society in India of engineering teachers, administrators and students. The faculty and management of AITAM took interest in establishing ISTE chapter, AITAM. The chapter was accorded approval in the year 2009. AITAM. The chapter was accorded approval in the year 2009.ISTE Life Members 107and ISTE Student members around 800 members

Executive Committee

S.No Name Designation Position
1 Dr. K B Madhu Sahu Principal Chairman
2 Prof. G. Nageswara Rao Professor,Dept of IT Secretary
3 Sri P.V.Muralidhar Assoc.Prof,Dept of ECE Member
4 Sri B.Srinivasa Rao Assoc.Prof,Dept of EEE Member
5 Sri D.Lokanadham Assoc.Prof,Dept of MECH Member
6 Sri Y.Ramesh Assoc.Prof,Dept of CSE Member