IV B.Tech I Semester Mid-1 Examinations Time Table (AR20)                    Invitation for registration of 8th Graduation Day scheduled on 27th July 2024. Click Here for 8th Graduation day registration https://forms.gle/SNGctdfGnzidupjk7                    Results Declared for IV Semester MBA Regular (AR22) and Supplementary (AR19) examinations, April 2024. Last date to apply for revaluation/recounting is 22nd June 2024.                    Revaluation/Recounting Results Declared for II B.Tech II Semester Regular (AR20) & Supplementary ( AR20, AR18,16) examinations, April 2024.                    DIRECTOR OFFICE CIRCULAR - REGARDING FEE PAYMENTS                    Revaluation/Recounting Results Declared for IV B.Tech II Semester Regular (RA) & Supplementary ( AR18,16) examinations, April 2024.                    Results Declared for II B.Tech II Semester Regular (AR20) and Supplementary (AR20,18,16) examinations, April 2024. Last date to apply for revaluation/recounting is 2nd June 2024.                    Results Declared for IV B.Tech II Semester Regular (AR20) and Supplementary (AR18,16) examinations, April 2024. Last date to apply for revaluation/recounting is 2nd June 2024.                    Revaluation/Recounting Results Declared for III B.Tech II Semester Regular (AR20) & Supplementary ( AR20, AR18,16) examinations, April 2024.                    Revaluation/Recounting Results Declared for I B.Tech II Semester Supplementary ( AR20, AR18,16) examinations, April 2024.                    Results Declared for I B.Tech II Semester Supplementary (AR20, AR18 &AR16) examinations, April 2024. Last date to apply for revaluation/recounting is 15th May 2024.                    Access the AICTE Web Portal for Student and Faculty Feedback at: https://www.aicte-india.org/feedback/index.php. Click here to provide your valuable feedback.                    Results Declared for III B.Tech II Semester Regular (AR20) and Supplementary (AR20, AR18,16) examinations, April 2024. Last date to apply for revaluation/recounting is 15th May 2024.                    Revaluation/Recounting Results Declared for I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary (AR23, AR20, AR18,16) examinations, March 2024.                   
Department of ECE

Vision & Mission

Magna aliquaenim ad minim veniam quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laborisLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eius tempor incididunt labore.

ECE Vision

Create high-quality engineering professionals through research, innovation and teamwork for a lasting technology development in the area of Electronics and Communication Engineering.

ECE Mission

  • To offer a well-balanced programme of instruction, lab practices, research & development activities, product incubation.
  • Develop accomplished technical personnel with a strong background on fundamental and advanced concepts, have excellent professional conduct.
  • Enhance overall personality development which includes innovative and group work exercises, entrepreneur skills, communication skills and employability.
  • Ensuring effective teaching–learning process to provide in-depth knowledge of principles and its applications pertaining to Electronics & Communication Engineering and interdisciplinary areas.
  • Providing industry and department interactions through consultancy and sponsored research.